Introduction to computer

Computer is an electronic device, which is designed to work with information. The word computer is derived from the Latin word "compute", which means computing or programmable machine. Computer cannot do anything without programs. It represents decimal numbers through a string of binary digits.

Computer is made up of two parts- first hardware and second software. All physical parts of a computer are parts of hardware, which includes keyboard, mouse, monitor etc. The programs and languages ​​used by the computer are called software.

Today the computer has become very important, because it works at a pure and fast speed, and completes all the tasks very fast, otherwise it would have taken a lot of time to complete these tasks by hand, these huge calculations can be done in hundreds of thousands. Gets it done in less time.

Apart from this, a large amount of data (information) can be stored in it. We get a lot of information about different aspects using the internet.

2. Use of Computer

A. Computer in Bank: - Computers are used in almost every bank for keeping records of money transactions and financial documents. They are also used in this field for speed, convenience and security reasons.

B. Computer in Communication: - Many communications have become easy and simple through internet or email. Telephone lines, modems and satellites are used for communication by computers. Through email, we can reach the message to the person sitting in any corner of the world in seconds.

C. Computer in Business: - Computer has become an integral part of corporate life today. Business related transactions are done very easily. And records of all business transactions can be kept. Today computers can be found in every store, supermarket, restaurant and office. Now things can be sold and bought online. Bills and taxes can be paid online.

D. Computer in Medical Science and Health Care: - Diseases can be easily diagnosed with the help of computer. Computers are used in almost every medical device. Computers are also used in the field of health care to perform various tasks.

E. Computer in education: - Today computer has become an important part of education, because in every field of education we use computer, without the knowledge of computer we cannot get a job and we can perform well. Can't do it Therefore, the prospects of the job improve with the computer. Computers are used in classrooms by teachers for teaching, student record keeping, online learning and assessment.

3. History of Computer

The history of computer is believed to be about 2500 years old, a calculating device abacus was invented in China. It is a mechanical device. Which has many parallel wires inside its inner frame. In which there are five or more beads. Initially, abacus was used by traders for various types of calculations.

The great French mathematician Blaise Pascal developed the first mechanical numerical calculation device in 1642. This machine was also called edging machine. This machine of Blaise Pascal was also called Pascaline. And it was the first mechanical computer.

Bawej has made a major contribution to the development of the computer. The Analytical Engine was the first programming computer. It was the first computer that used to calculate based on instructions. That is why Charles Bawej is called the father of computer.

Aiken, along with four IBM engineers, developed a machine in 1939. Which was named AUTOMATIC SEQUENCE CONTROLLED CALCULATOR. Later this machine was named Mark 1. It was the first electro-mechanical computer. In 1946, scientists named Eckert and McLee created a computer called ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). It was the world's first general purpose electrical computer.

UNIVACI was developed in 1951. It was the first digital computer. It was used for commercial purposes. It was an evolved form of ENIAC.

4. Computer Generation

We can understand the history of computer development in 5 generations on the basis of new technology developed in a time interval.

The fundamental principle of each generation computer and the development of new technology in any part of it, a generation begins. From the first device made for calculation to the invention of the modern computer, the description is as follows.

v  First Generation (1946–1956)

v  Second Generation (1956–1965)

v  Third Generation (1965–1975)

v  Fourth Generation (1975–1988)

v  Fifth Generation (1988 to the present day)

First Generation of Computer (): - The time of first-generation computer was from 1942 to 1956. Some of the early computers are ENIAC, EDVAC, EDSAC etc. Vacuum Tubes were used in the computers of this generation.

Vacuum tubes were instruments made of glass. By which electrical signals can be controlled. They were larger in size and generated more heat. In this generation machine language groups of 0 to 1 were used. But its memory was limited. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator), EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer), EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator)

Advantage: -

v  Vacuum Tube was the only electronic device in this generation.

v  Vacuum tube technology helped the electronic digital computer.

v  It was the fastest computer of its time. These calculations were done in milli seconds.

Disadvantage: -

v  Computers of this generation were very big in size. Due to which they could not be carried from one place to another.

v  Due to the presence of thousands of vacuum tubes, excessive heat was generated. Due to which the tubes used to burn quickly. Their commercial production was very expensive.

v  Its functionality was not completely reliable.

Second Generation of Computer: - This generation was from 1956 to 1965. In 1947, the transistor was invented in Bell Labs and its design was continuously improved. Due to which light small transistors and diodes were used instead of the vacuum tubes used in the first generation. Due to which the size of second-generation computers decreased and its memory increased manifold. In this generation Cobol, Assembly, Fortran etc. languages ​​were used. Magnetic disk and tape were used to store data in this generation computer. There was a layer of iron oxide on the magnetic disk.

The main computers of this generation were IBM's System-360m DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) Programmable Data Processor-1 (PDP-1), PDP-5, PDP-5, PDP-8, ICL 1900, and UNIVAC 1108 and 9000.

Advantage: -

v  Computers have become smaller and more reliable in size.

v  The speed of the computer became more rapid.

v  The emission of heat started decreasing.

v  Magnetic core memory was used in this.

v  Hardware failures decreased.

v  They started getting commercial use.

v  It could be carried from one place to another.

Disadvantage: -

v  Their maintenance was very expensive.

v  Air conditioning was required.

v  Their commercial production was difficult and expensive.

v  The combination of each instrument was done in a human form.

Third Generation of Computer: - The time of Third Generation of Computer was from 1965-1975. The biggest feature in the computers of this generation was that instead of the main electronic component- Transistor, IC i.e., Integrated Circuit was used. This Integrated Circuit was invented by Jack Kilby. Due to the use of this integrated circuit, it was now possible to make a computer of even smaller size. In which the consumption of electricity was further reduced, as well as its processing speed became more compared to both the generations.

The main computers of this generation were Programmable Data Processor 1 (PDP-1), PDP-5, PDP-8, ICL 2903, ICL 1900, UNIVAC 1108.

Fourth Generation of Computer: - The beginning of the fourth generation of computer was from 1975-1988. In this generation computer scientists developed VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated) instead of IC Integrated Circuit, this VLSI was capable of processing equivalent to about 300,000 transistors. It was named Microprocessor.

With the help of this microprocessor, it became possible to install the Central Processing Unit on a small chip. And the computer made using this microprocessor was named Micro Computer. Microprocessor is a type of computer processor where data processing logic and control are processed on an integrated circuit.

In the Fourth Generation of Computer (GUI) operating system was used. With the help of which Arithmetic and Logical Calculation could be done very easily. At that time the first microcomputer ALTAIR 8800 was made, which was made by a company called Mits (MITS).

The main computers of this generation were Dec 10, Star 1000, PDP 11, CRAY-1, CRAY-X-MP (Super Computer), PCs.

Advantage: -

v  Computers began to become of extremely small size.

v  Computers became many times faster than the previous generation.

v  Computer prices became cheap.

v  Became more reliable than before.

v  Hardware problem greatly reduced.

v  It became very easy to move from one place to another.

v  The capacity of internal memory has increased tremendously.

v  Fourth generation language started being used.

v  Application and decision support system developed.

Disadvantage: -

Ø  Requirement of highly sensitive technology in manufacturing LSI (large-scale integration) chips.

Fifth Generation of Computer: - Fifth Generation computer was used on a very large scale; many limitations and shortcomings were removed in the fourth-generation computer. The time after 1988 has been considered as the Fifth Generation of the computer. In this, future computer technology like computers with more powerful, fast, high-tech and high-memory capacity has been included. In this Ultra Large Scale Integrated Microprocessor is used instead of ordinary Microprocessor. About 10 million components can be installed in a single chip of ULSI Microprocessor. Apart from this Parallel processing method has also been developed, with the help of Parallel processing method, two or more microprocessors can be used to do multitask tasks simultaneously at a time.

The most important feature of the Fifth Generation of Computer is Artificial Intelligence, that is, a computer that can do data analysis on its own. For this reason, it is used for accounting, engineering, building, space, meteorological department, natural disaster and other types of research.

Advantage: -

v  The speed of the computer became very fast.

v  Computers became very small in size.

v  The storage capacity of the computer has increased tremendously.

v  GUI (Graphical User Interface) started being used.

v  Internet, Email and WWW developed.

v  The use of computer started in almost all areas.

5. Characteristics of Computer

Working speed - The speed of working of a computer is very fast. The work which a person completes in many hours, months and years. It completes it in a few moments. The speed of the computer is measured in micro seconds, nano seconds and Pico seconds.

A. High Storage CapacityYou can store any data in any form and quantity. The storage capacity of computer is very high. In this data can be stored for a long time. and can be retrieved as required.

B. AutomaticComputer is an automatic machine. Which can complete the instructions given by the user without any human hindrance.

C. AccuracyIf the inputs entered in the computer are completely correct, then the computer has the ability to give 100% correct results. That's why people have this feeling towards computers. That the probability of error in the calculation done by the computer is equal to zero.

D. VarietyComputers are used for different tasks. It is used for any type of document preparation, printing, entertainment etc. Due to this feature of the computer, we can do more than one task in it.

E. IntegrityIt completes any work completely with honesty. It has the ability to repeat tasks. Apart from the above-mentioned features of the computer, it also has some drawbacks. Such as high cost, consumption of electricity, lack of protection from viruses, lack of intelligence etc.

6. Types of Computers

Due to the small size of the computer and its working capacity, today computers are being used in various fields. But there are different computers to perform different types of tasks. Some computers are large in size. So, some are of smaller size. Apart from this, some computers work at a faster speed. So, some complete their work at a slow pace.

Computers are classified on the main three bases.

v  On the basis of Application or Data Representation

v  On the basis of Purpose

v  On the basis of Size and Capacity or Speed

A. Types of Computers on the basis of Application: - On this basis computers can be divided into the following classes.

v  1. Analog Computer

v  2. Digital Computer

v  3. Hybrid Computer

1. Analog Computer: - It is a machine that shows a physical quantity of data (pressure, temperature, length, height etc.), this data keeps on changing continuously. Computers which work on continuously generated signals. They are called analog computers. This type of computer is used to measure physical quantities. Such as pressure, temperature, speed weight, depth etc. Most of the use of analog computers is in the fields of engineering and science. Because the work of measurement of quantities is more in these areas.

2. Digital Computer: - A computer which processes information in digital form is called digital computer. Digit means 'digit'. The computer that collects the scattered data in digital form and processes them is called Digital Computer. Digital computers use the binary system (0,1) to display information in digital form. These computers are capable of doing mathematical and logical work. Their results are more accurate. These computers are used in office, school, shop etc.

3. Hybrid Computer: - Due to the combination of Analog and Digital Computers, these computers are called Hybrid. Hybrid computers are used in those places. Where both types of data need to be processed.

Like measuring the patient's temperature and blood pressure in a hospital and processing data related to the patient's disease, both these types of work are possible only with Hybrid computers. Example Ultrasound Machine, Petrol Pump Machine, Speedometer etc.

B. On the basis of Purpose:-

v  1. General Purpose Computer.

v  2. Special Purpose Computer.

General purpose computer: - Can store various programs and can be used in countless applications. A general-purpose computer can perform any type of task with equal efficiency by changing the application programs stored in the main memory.

Special Purpose Computer: - is one which is designed to perform only one particular task. The program or instruction set is permanently stored in such a machine. Thermometer to test temperature, Generator to manage electricity are examples of Special Purpose Computer.

C. On the basis of Size and Capacity or Speed:-

  • v  Micro Computer
  • v  Mini computer
  • v  Mainframe Computer
  • v  Super Computer

Micro Computer: - This computer is used for normal work. There is only one CPU in this computer and this computer is very small in size and at the same time it is not too expensive in computer cost. This computer is a general-purpose computer. You can do all your personal work on this computer.

Mini Computer: - Minicomputer is smaller than mainframe computer and is also cheap, it is faster than normal computer. This computer is used for multi work. Mini computers can be used for any work, whether it is personal work or office work. This computer can be used everywhere.

Mainframe Computer: - Mainframe computer is used by a big company; it is a very fast computer but not as fast as a super computer. The storage capacity is also very high in these mainframe computers. They process any data very quickly.

Super Computer: - Super computer is very fast than all other types of computers. They have the ability to do many things at once. These computers are designed for a specific job.

To make these super computers, many CPUs are connected in parallel so that all CPUs can work together. These computers are very large in size and generate a lot of heat, so they are installed in AC rooms to keep them cool.

7. Input & Output Devices

A computer has both input and output devices, the input device is used to give data or instructions to the computer and the output device to get the result. Through Input Output Devices, we give instructions to the computer and see and receive the information processed by the computer.

Input Devices: - The devices by which we give instructions and data to the computer. They are called input devices. Like mouse, trackball etc.

KeyboardKeyboard is an input device. Through these programs and data are entered into the computer. It is similar to the keyboard of a typewriter. It consists of alphabets, numbers, special keys, function keys, movement keys, etc. When a key is pressed, an electronic signal is generated which is detected by an electronic circuit called the keyboard encoder.

Mouse - Mouse is the most important pointing device of the computer. It is also an input device, it is used to draw sketches, diagrams etc., to select text, to give instructions optical. In this, two buttons left and right and third button scroll button are also used in optical mouse for work etc. There are two types of mouse. (1) Mechanical and (2) Optical.

Track Ball - Track ball is an input device like a mouse but in this the bottom part is upwards like a ball is downwards in mechanical mouse similarly a ball is upwards in track ball Which we manage to control the movement by rotating. and provide input.

JoystickJoystick is often used in game applications. It provides input to the computer system. In this input device, we give input by pressing the button of the joystick with the thumb. Underneath this device is a circular ball on which it spins.

Light Pen - Light pen is used to give input to the screen of a computer system. It touches the CRT screen, where it can detect the path on the screen as it passes.

Microphone - We input sound by connecting the microphone to the computer system through the jack port. It is an input device.

Bar Code ReaderThis device converts the bar code into an electronic pulse and inputs it into the computer. Bar code is a type of code which is in the form of light and dark bars.

MICR (Micro Ink Character Reader)This is an input device used to read magnetic characters. Such characters are found on bank checks which are read through the label MICR.

Touch ScreenIt is an input device which is used to select and select the options available on the screen. It is used in Bank ATM etc.

Scanner - Using this device, any picture or words can be seen on the screen by changing it digitally.

Output Devices: - Any instructions and data are made available in the computer through input devices. The computer processes those instructions and the tools by which the computer gives or displays the result to us. They are called output devices. Examples of output devices like speaker, printer, projector, platter, speaker etc.

Hard Copy: This is the output which is in the form of a print document. For example, an image or document has been printed on paper by the printer. Sometimes we also call it Printout. That is, this output has a physical form, which we can touch. Usually, we get such output through Printer and Fax Machine.

Soft Copy: This is the output which does not have any physical form. This is a digital copy, which we can only save in the computer. You can also call it the electronic version of the document, which can be opened with the help of any software. Such output is obtained from output devices such as monitors or projectors.

Monitor: - Monitor is an electronic device, which is called output device. The monitor looks exactly like a TV (T.V.), shows us the result or output of the computer in the form of graphics on the monitor and we also call it Visual Display Unit (VDU). The output we get in the form of graphics on the monitor is made with the help of pixels. Pixel is the unit, which is the smallest on the monitor, and that one pixel has the power to show a color and with the help of those pixels we get the output on the monitor.

There are three types of monitors –

v  CRT Monitor

v  LCD Monitor

v  LED Monitor

CRT Monitor: - Its full name is Cathode Ray Tube, it looks like a TV, its weight is very heavy, it is difficult to carry it from one place to another, in olden times only CRT monitors were used in computers.

TFT Monitor: - Its full name is Thin Film Transistor. It is small in size and is tall, there is no problem in carrying it from one place to another. It is quite easy to use.

LCD Monitor: - Its full name is Liquid Crystal Display, it is very easy to use, it is small and tall in appearance. It looks like a TFT screen, it is easy to move from one place to another. The most used screen at the moment is.

LED Monitor: - At present, it is the most used screen. Its full name is Light Emitting Diode. It is very easy to use, it can be easily carried from one place to another. It looks very attractive, and its picture quality is very good.

Printer: - Printer is such an output device that provides output very fast. The printer does not have any memory of its own, here it takes commands from the computer, and provides output.

When a text document is created in the computer and when this document is to be printed, the printer is used.

The downloaded file from the Internet can be printed through the printer, apart from this we can get the hard copy of many other works as required.

Types of Printers – Types of Printers

v  1. Impact Printer

v  2. Non-Impact Printer

1. Impact printer: - Print each print by hit. Generally, these printers use Hammer. Impact printers are of the following types-

v  Character Printer

v  Line Printer

A. Character Printer: - It prints only one character at a time. It doesn't print one line at a time. Dot Matrix Printer and Daisy Wheel Printer are character printers.

Today these printers are not used much due to low speed. Because it prints a single character.

v  Dot Matrix Printer

v  Daisy Wheel Printer

Dot Matrix Printer is called an impact printer, it has a matrix of pins in its print head. By hitting the ribbon of these pins, printing is done on the paper. In this, letters are formed by joining small dots. Their printing head has a horizontal group of 9, 14, 18 or 24 pins. One pen at a time exits the pin head and prints the dots so that a letter is formed in several steps, thus moving the printing head in the direction of the line.

In this the printing head is controlled by computer. Their printing speed is 30 to 600 characters per second. This printer prints in both directions.

Daisy Wheel Printer: - Daisy wheel printer is a slow speed printer. But its printing quality is good. That's why it is used for printing letters. It is also called Letter Quality Printer.

B. Line Printer: - This is a high-speed impact printer. Which prints one line at a time. Large computers require high speed printers. Because it prints 500 to 3000 lines per second.

v  Drum Printer

v  Chain Printer

Drum Printer: - This is a letter quality and line printer; it prints the entire line in one go. A drum is used in this printer which rotates in place. This printer uses a lot of hammers per line. If the drum printer has 80 columns, it holds 80 hammers.

Chain Printer: - This is also a letter quality printer. A chain is used in this printer. Which prints the character. In this, the character is in the form of a mirror image. This chain is based on two wheels. which rotate it. A hammer is used to print characters in a line.

2. Non-Impact Printer: - Non-Impact printer is also called page printer. Because these printers print one page at a time. In this, ribbon is not used to print characters and images. Its printing quality is better as compared to Impact printer.

v  Inkjet Printer

v  Laser Printer

Inkjet Printer: - It is a non-impact printer. Which prints hard copy by spraying ink on the paper. They make pictures with small dots. This printer can print pages with at least 300 DPI (Dot per inch) resolution. Some newer inkjet printers can print full color hard copy at 600 DPI or higher.

Laser Printer: - Laser printers are non-impact page printers. Laser printers are being used in computer systems since the 1970s, earlier they were used in mainframe computers. Laser printers cost around $3000 in the 1980s. These printers are more popular nowadays, as they are able to print text and graphics relatively faster and in higher quality. In most laser printers, an additional microprocessor RAM and ROM is used, this printer also prints on paper through dots, but these dots are very small and very close to each other. Cartridge is used in this printer, inside which dry ink is filled. The method of working of laser printer is basically like photo copy machine but bright light is used in photocopy machine. Laser printers print resolutions ranging from 300 to 600 DPI or more. Color laser printers provide high quality color output.

Plotter: - Plotter is a type of printer which is used to print vector graphics. A plotter is an output tool used to print graphs and designs. It is commonly used to create large size graphs and maps such as engineering designs, illustrations and large size posters. Digitally operated plotters use XY Writer as an output device so that they can take their measurements easily.

Speaker: - Speaker is a computer hardware output device, which is used to listen to sound by connecting to the computer.

Projector: - Projector is an output device of computer. By which any type of image or video is shown on a white screen or wall. Projector is used to explain the image or video in detail. The user can arrange the image or video visible on the screen through the projector according to himself.

Projectors are mostly used in schools, cinema halls, business meetings, etc. The image or video shown in the computer screen is reflected by the projector and shown in large size on the wall or white screen.

8. Components of Computer

Computer is a system. A system is a group of different components. Those who work together with each other to complete a particular task. The following are the components of a computer system.

v  Input Unit

v  Output Unit

v  Storage Unit/Memory Unit

v  CPU (Central Processing Unit)

v  CU (Control Unit)

v  ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)

1. Input Unit: - The unit of computer by which data and commands are input into the computer. It is called input unit. There are many types of input devices. Like Keyboard, Mouse, Magnetic tape etc.

2. Output Unit: - The unit of computer by which the input data and commands are processed after the result, or display. It is called output unit. There are many types of output devices, such as Printer, Monitor, Speaker etc.

3. Memory Unit: - This is the storage unit of the computer. It is an important part of the computer. In this we can store data programs etc. In this data is stored in binary format (0,1). The unit is based on the size of its measurement. Like Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte and Terabyte, the smallest unit is byte and the largest unit is terabyte.

4. Central Processing Unit (CPU): - CPU is an important part of the computer. Also called processor, microprocessor and simply CPU. The CPU handles the data and instructions received from all the hardware, software, users and input devices connected to the computer, and processes them and gives results. It also runs the operating system and other programs. This is the brain of the computer.

5. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): - Full name of ALU is Arithmetic Logic Unit. It is the main unit of the computer. By this all mathematical and logical work is done in the computer. It is inside the processor.

6. Control Unit (CU): - CU full name is Control Unit. By this the task of controlling the entire computer system is done. This unit is an important unit of CPU.

9. Computer Memory

Random Access Memory: - The full name of RAM is Random Access Memory. It is called the main memory of the computer. It is small in size. Like 512 MB, 1 GB, it is also called Volatile Memory. But this is temporary memory. Because as soon as the computer is switched off, the information written in the memory is erased. which cannot be recovered. Through RAM, the data goes to the Secondary Storage Device or Processor. It is of the following type. Such as SRAM, SDRAM, DRAM and NVRAM.

SRAM (Static Random-Access Memory): - Its full name is Static Random-Access Memory. It is made up of Flip Flops. Hence it is less refreshed. In this we can keep the data for a long time. This is an expensive memory. Its data accessing speed is higher than other RAM.

DRAM (Dynamic Random-Access Memory): - Its full name is Dynamic Random-Access Memory. This memory is refreshed frequently. Refresh means electronic charge or discharge. It refreshes thousands of times in a second. Hence its speed is slow. It is cheaper than other RAM.

SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory):- Its full name is Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory. Its speed is higher than that of DRAM. This RAM works according to the clock of the CPU.

NVRAM (Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory): - Its full name is Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory. This RAM is used as hard disk in network devices. This is an expensive memory.

Read Only Memory (ROM): - The full name of ROM is Read Only Memory. This is the primary memory of the computer. This is permanent memory. It contains the primary program and setting to start the computer. It is permanently attached to the motherboard of the computer. This is an expensive memory. But it is not available separately in the market and comes with the motherboard. There are three types of ROM. PROM, EPROM, EEPROM.

PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory):- Its full name is Programmable Read Only Memory. Programs could be stored once in this chip. If there was an error in the program, no correction could be done in it.

EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory): - Its full name is Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. This chip solved the problem of PROM. The store program could have been improved in this chip. To improve the chip, the chip was removed from the board and exposed to ultraviolet ray. By which the program and data stored in the chip were deleted. The program was then stored again. Which was a difficult and costly process.

EEPROM (Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory): - Its full name is Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. This chip solved the problem of EPROM. Electricity was used to improve the store program and data in this chip. For this the chip does not need to be removed from the motherboard. It is a simple and cheap process. This ROM is being used in today's motherboards.

Secondary Memory: - Secondary memory is the permanent memory of the computer. Its speed is less than the primary memory. These are large in size and cheap memory. Hard disk, CD, etc. are used as secondary memory in the computer. Secondary storage device is also called auxiliary storage device. It is not a part of the computer; it is added separately to the computer. The data stored in it is permanent. That is, when the computer is turned off, the data stored in it is not deleted. According to the need, in the future, you can open the saved file or folder and see it, or you can also make corrections. And it can also be deleted by the user. Its storage capacity is high. And the ability to access data is slower than primary memory.

Types of secondary storage devices

v  Magnetic tape

v  Magnetic Disk

v  Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

v  Solid State Drive (SDD)

v  Floppy Disk

v  Optical Disk

Magnetic Tape: - Magnetic tape is similar to an audio tape recorder. Magnetic tape drivers are made up of spools. There are 9 heads in between these two spools. Those who read or write information. Each head works independently. And stores the information track wise. This tape is made of plastic. On which the coding of the ferromagnetic material takes place. The width of magnetic tape is up to 12.5 mm or 25 mm. And the length varies from 500 meters to 1200 meters. There are 9 parallel trucks on this tape. In a 9-headed tape, 8 tracks were used to store information. And the 9th track is used to record the parity bit.

Magnetic Disk: - Magnetic disk is a circular plate or plastic. Which is coded by magnetic material. This disk number is divided into off track and sector. It uses "1" for Magnetic and "0" for Non-Magnetic. Magnetic disk is divided into two parts on the basis of its physical structure.

Hard Disk: - The full name of HDD is Hard Disk Drive. Hard dicks are circular plates made of aluminum. Which is coded with iron oxide, because of the aluminum plate, it is called hard dicks. Each hard disk contains one or more aluminum plates. This plate is covered by an aluminum box. It is assembled at the dicks center to avoid dust. And can rotate with the help of motor.

Solid State Drive: - The full name of SDD is Solid State Drive. Memory chip is used in SSD, it does not have any moving plates, so there is no sound in it and works very fast while saving data or reading data.

Floppy Disk: - Floppy Disk is also called diskette or simply floppy in Components of Computer System. It is used in microcomputers. It was used like a CD. It can be used from one computer to another. This requires a drive. Which is called Floppy Drive.

(a) Mini Floppy – It is 5 14 inches in size. Their storage capacity is 1.2 MB. Their drive is also similar in size.

(b) Micro FloppyIt is 3 14 inches in size. Their storage capacity is 1.44 MB. Their cover is stronger.

Optical Disk: - Optical disk uses a laser beam to read-write any information. An optical disk is a circular plate made of plastic. Which is covered with a thin layer of aluminum. The optical disk is covered by a non-trans metal material. And the number of tracks is divided. The data in these tracks is in burn or non-burn form. A laser beam is used to burn portions of a track, but a weaker laser is used to read the data. Whenever a laser beam hits the track of the disc. Then the unburned portion reflects the light.

10. Hardware & Software

All the physical elements present in the computer that we can see and touch are called hardware. Hardware includes devices like keyboard, mouse, scanner, joystick, etc. Hardware is a collective term used to describe the various parts of a computer. The use of hardware in a computer is directed through software to execute any instruction. The computer takes its full form only when the hardware is found. And without it the computer does not exist.

There are two types of computer hardware.

v  Internal Hardware

v  External Hardware

1. Internal Hardware: - Internal hardware is the internal components of the computer which are not visible, because they work by being present inside the computer. To see the internal hardware, we have to open the CPU, after which we see it.

v  Motherboard

v  RAM (Random Access Memory)

v  ROM (Read Only Memory)

v  Power supply unit

v  Hard Disk Drive etc.

2. External Hardware: - External hardware is the external components of the computer, which we can see and touch. These are also called peripheral components. These hardware also include input and output devices.

  • Monitor
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Printer
  • Speaker
  • UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply)

Software: - Software is a set of instructions, which gives commands or instructions to perform a specific task of the computer. We cannot see or touch computer software, it works inside the computer. Examples of computer software are operating system, Microsoft Office, Tally, etc.

There are two types of computer software.

v  System Software

v  Application Software

11. Data & Information

Data: - Facts and information about something is called 'Data'. This information includes numbers, words, pictures, symbols, opinions, etc. These facts are meaningless and beyond the comprehension of common man. Data is gathered from various sources. The data is later processed through various means to make new data (meaningful data). Since the computer is an electronic machine, the process of processing data by the computer is called EDP i.e. Electronic Data Processing.

There are data numbers for a computer which is a group of bytes. Which is represented in Binary Digits (0 and 1). This data goes to the CPU for processing, where new data (output) is created by performing logical operations on it.

Information: - Information is called information in English. Information is meaningful information about something. which can be understood by the common man. For example, the average age of students in a class is an information that is useful.

When instructions are given to perform a task in a computer, this data is processed and given a meaningful result, which is called information.

12. Data Conversion / Number System

  Number system is used to display information, whenever we write any letter or word in computer, it converts it into number. Because computer understands only numbers. Digital computer displays all types of data and information in binary numbers. Eg: - Audio, Video, Graphics and Numbers etc.

There are 4 types of number systems.

v  Binary

v  Decimals

v  Octal

v  Hexadecimals

Decimal Number System: - We use Decimal Number System in our daily life. In which the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are used to represent any number. The base or radix of this number system is 10. Radix is ​​the number of digits used in a number system. Each digit of each number written in the decimal number system has its own place value (weight). It is also called the multiplying factor. Multiples are thousands, hundreds, tens and units etc.


2. Binary Number System: - Binary Number System is made up of just 2 numbers. This is the reason why it is called binary number. The base of this number system is 2. In this just 2 digits are used 1 and 0, it is also called 2 Base Number System. Binary Number System is used in machine language, that is why machine language is also called binary language. In these numbers are written something like this.





3. Octal Number System: - Octal Number System is made up of 8 numbers and those numbers are “0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7”. It is also called 8 base number system. This is the reason why it is called octal number. OCTAL means 8.

4. Hexadecimal Number System: - Hexa Decimal Number System, this number system is made up of 16 numbers and those numbers are “0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F". It is also called 16 base number system. This is the reason why it is called Hexa Decimal Number. Hexa means 6 and Decimal means 10.

  • 13. E. Governance

E-governance means the coordinated use of communication and information technology to provide government information and services to the citizens of a country. The "e" in e-governance stands for 'electronic'.

The use of electronic technologies in three areas of public action.

v  The relationship between public officials and civil society.

v  Functioning of public authorities at all stages of the democratic process (electronic democracy)

v  Provision of public services (electronic public services).

Reasons for the rise of e-governance:

v  Governance being complex

v  Increase in citizens' expectations from the government

Different Concepts of e-Governance:


use of ICT to modernize the state; Creation of data repository and computerization of records (land, health etc.) for Management Information System (MIS).

E-Services: It aims to strengthen the relationship between the state and the citizens.

v  Provision of online services.

v  Combining e-governance and e-services, largely called e-government.

E-Governance: Using information and technology to improve the ability of the government to meet the needs of the society.

v  It includes publication of information related to policy and program for citizens.

v  Apart from online services, it uses IT for the success of the government's schemes and helps in achieving the development goals of the government.

E-democracy: Use of IT to ensure the participation of all sections of the society in the governance of the state.

v  Under this, emphasis is being laid on transparency, accountability and people's participation.

v  This includes online disclosure of policies, online grievance redressal, e-referendum etc.


v  E-governance in India originated during the 1970s with a focus on applications of ICT for managing data intensive tasks related to elections, census, tax administration etc.

preparatory steps

v  The establishment of the Department of Electronics in 1970 was the first major step towards e-governance in India as it focused on 'information' and 'communication'.

v  National Informatics Center (NIC), established in 1977, started the "District Information System Program" to computerize all the district offices in the country.

v  The NICNET (National Satellite-Based Computer Network) launched in 1987 was a revolutionary step towards promoting e-governance.


v  To provide better service to the citizens.

v  Adherence to transparency and accountability.

v  Empowering people through information.

v  Improving governance efficiency.

v  Improve interface with business and industry.

Pillars of e-Governance:-

v  people

v  Process

v  Technology

v  Resources

Types of Participation in E-Governance

v  G2G (Government to Government) means government to government

v  G2C (Government to Consumer) i.e., citizen to government

v  G2B ((Government to Businessman) i.e., business from government

v  G2E (Government to Employee) i.e., employees from the government

v  Innovations in India for e-Governance

Digital India Initiative: -

v  It has been launched by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Meity).

v  It was started with the aim of transforming India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge-based economy.

There are three main areas at the heart of Digital India: -

1.  Infrastructure as a convenience for every citizen

2.  Governance and Demand Based Services

3.  Digital Empowerment of Citizens

Benefits of e-governance: -

v  E-governance improves the efficiency and quality of administrative work and services.

v  All the data is easily available to the government through e-governance.

v  Governments can take better decisions by analyzing these data while making various plans and policies.

v  As a result of e-governance, a common data is created which can be used for various purposes.

v  This can strengthen healthy and transparent dialogue between the public and the government.

v  An important step for good governance is to simplify the processes of the government so that the entire system can be made transparent and accelerated and this is possible only through e-governance.

v  Business and new opportunities have been created with e-governance.

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